So-called "smart" utility meters emit powerful bursts of RF radiation that have caused many people to develop sensitivity.

This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug discuss how climate scientists view the dire situation of the planet, and how plastic recycling is a complete failure. Then attorney Stephen Joncus and his client Sabrina Siegel talk about the local power company in Eugene, Oregon, and how they are cutting off the power of people who don't want or can't tolerate digital wireless utility meters.

Links from the interview:
EHT wins in court against the FCC:
EWEB disconnects customers refusing smart meters:
Stephen Joncus:
Stop smart meters in Oregon:
Links from the news:
Climate scientists expect global heat to increase:,C%20limit%20will%20be%20achieved.
Chemical recycling plant closed:,website%2C%20as%20Bloomberg%20first%20reported.
