The radiation from your cell phone may impact the normal brain development of your baby. Why not take simple steps to reduce exposure?
This week on Grassroots Patti and Doug discuss formaldehyde in consumer products, toxic seat foam in cars, and washing machine filters to catch plastic particles. Then Patti talks about the BabySafe Project, which alerts pregnant women to the potential harm from exposing baby to wireless radiation.
Links from the interview:
The BabySafe Project:
"The Science of Exposure":
Dr. Hugh Taylor on cell phones and pregnancy:
“The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation” by Dr. Devra Davis:
Effects of cell phone use during pregnancy:
Links from the news:
FDA deadline to ban formaldehyde in hair products missed again:
Potential carcinogens in your car:
Microplastics are being released through laundry / how to wash clothes sustainably: